Monday, September 10, 2012

Coming in October

EBPOA Yard Sale
Sunrise, October 6, 2012
Edgewood Bay Common Area
Bring your own tables to set up and sell!
Good turnout last year,
 could have sold a lot more.
Participants to chip in for cost of ad in the
 Central Virginian.
Contact Chrissy McCotter 540-894-1720.
Last year was sunny and bright:


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Coming to Lake Anna

See for more information.

This resort is to be built on Mitchell Creek next to the route 208 bridge.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Guess the location

This little fellow was spotted along side the road!
Can anyone tell me where?


Saturday, July 21, 2012

EBPOA Yard Sale

EBPOA Yard Sale
Sunrise, October 6, 2012
Edgewood Bay Common Area
Bring your own tables to set up and sell!
Good turnout last year,
 could have sold a lot more.
Participants to chip in for cost of ad in the
 Central Virginian.
Contact Chrissy McCotter 540-894-1720.

Monday, July 16, 2012

September 2012 Social

Come to the Fall Social
September 8
Please join with your Edgewood Bay neighbors
at our Fall Social on Saturday, September 8 at 5 pm.
We will be enjoying a great Pork Roast Bar-B-Q
(cooked by one of our own neighbors)
followed by a bonfire complete with S'mores!
Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.
The event will be held in our common area,
so please bring chairs and flashlights.
Tea, lemonade, water and paper products will be provided
(if you prefer another drink, feel free to bring your own).
Hope you can come... it will be a great time
to get to know your neighbors!
Please RSVP by August 18
to so we know to plan
for either a whole pig or pork shoulders. Thanks!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Visitor on Sunday at 12:24 AM

Rocky Racoon came to eat at our bird feeder. He was able to grab the feeder and pull it close, then with the other paw(hand) scoop seed out of it and eat the seed. Later he brought his mate back, then it was one scoop for her and the next for himself. After taking a few pictures (tried to use the flash) he came to the window and looked in at me.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

EBPOA Fall Family Social

The promise of food! Dave is getting the cooker ready.
Dave is explaining the schedule to Ralph, while Ed, Debbie and Jane wait patiently! 
A fine late afternoon at the lake.
Residents of all sizes are wondering where's the beef?
Jane, Dennis and Jack enjoying our wonderful fall evening.